SUICIDE: Raymond Chase, Billy Lucas, Asher Brown, Seth Walsh and Tyler Clementi

I am so fucking sick and tired of this madness. I hold all the politicians, all the “religious” panderers and preachers out there who pontificate about their hate for gay people and ride on their hate of them so they can get news coverage and raise money - I hold them responsible for the deaths, by suicide, of the young boys mentioned above. I hold all the people who say let’s wait on gay rights, it’s not the right time, the economy sucks, yes you Obama, I hold you responsible for the deaths, by suicide. If you put a topic out there, as you did during the campaign, and then leave it hanging because you’re too chicken shit to have a fight with the Republicans, let me tell you this - as long as adults act on their prejudices, how can we expect their children to do any differently?

And you, Mr. 50 Fucking Cents, rapper asshole, you are responsible for these deaths. One question, 50 Cents, was it your dream to be an artist or was it your dream to make money and use that money and fame to spread your juvenile hate? I’ll debate you anywhere, asshole. Call me out.

I wish to God I could have talked to these boys. I wish I could have told them that once they got away from their hellish childhoods they could create a life that is worth living, that it is possible to find the freedom to love whomever you want to love, in the land of the free and the home of the brave, as long as you don’t want to get married.


Did the two rabid Rutgers University students have nothing better to do than secretly videotape Tyler Clementi kissing another man during their first few weeks in college? What is wrong with them? Why did they do it? Why weren’t they out dancing, making love, eating dinner, or heaven forbid, Studying??? I hope you both go to jail. But I doubt you will. You will whine and moan like the cowards you are.


Let’s move on to Bishop Eddie Long, millionaire preacher from a Mega Church in Atlanta who lured boys to his lair. (What exactly is a Mega Church and why do they exist?) He should be held accountable for his hypocrisy. Why why why is it that men of the cloth wreak havoc on gay men? (The Pope should have been arrested when he left Vatican City last month.)

And you, Assistant Attorney General in the state of Michigan, Mr. Andrew Shirvell, I hold you accountable for these suicides. WHY haven’t you been fired? You wage an internet campaign against the gay man who is student body president at the University of Michigan? You are a wimp, why don’t you go and talk with him, oh, I forgot, you are waging an internet and media campaign. How safe for you, little shit-eating earthworm.

No wonder these boys did not see another way out. No wonder! Because the hate mongers and bullies have so much support in the media, in politics, in churches for God’s sake.


I am sick and tired of this madness. I wish I had known you all - Raymond Chase, Billy Lucas, Asher Brown, Seth Walsh and Tyler Clementi. Maybe I could have done more justice to your memories if I had. As it is, I’m angry because my heart is broken. I’m angry because I don’t know what to do.

4 Responses to “SUICIDE: Raymond Chase, Billy Lucas, Asher Brown, Seth Walsh and Tyler Clementi”

  1. Kathleen Says:

    Couldn’t have said it better. Thank you for saying it so well. Wish our young friends could have heard it before they made their choice. Hope the rest of the kids find someone to help them make it through their rough years.

  2. David Says:

    Good to hear from you, Kathleen. Once again, in 2010, gay people are being used to score political points in campaigns. As long as politicians continue to advance the cause of homophobia and go unchallenged in the media then it will be difficult to stop young gay kids from killing themselves. Afterall, some of their parents are likely voting for the very hate mongers, the so-called adult politicians, who are running for office. As I said, I am so sick and tired of it. As you point out, who will help the rest of the kids make it through their rough years, especially when the adults are running the asylum.

  3. Jewell Says:

    I so agree with you, David. What a crazy zoo we have created and what crazies run it?

  4. Hannah Says:

    I honestly agree with you on everything! I’m 15 and I’ve been close to ending everything but I saw a light at the end of the tunnel and you’re article has inspired me to stand up in my school and do something about this. I’ve been bullied, sexually harassed in school and home and I thought that it wolmuld never get better. I am thankful I am alive now and I’m so glad I found this article. It’s opened my eyes so much.

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