State of the Union

Obama called out the Republicans on their “just say no” strategy.  How can he be bipartisan if the other side pretends to cooperate but then flat out refuses to work with him?  He’s extended the olive branch.  Bush 2 never did.  During 8 years of the Bush 2 administration not one Republican ever publicly declared that we were not paying for the Iraq war and that we were diving head first into massive deficits when they were handed a surplus after Clinton left office.  And when a few Democrats did object to Bush hiding the cost of the war, they were called traitors.  Remember that?  So now the deficits that were being piled up because we were not paying for 2 wars has front-loaded Obama’s administration.  Remember when Bush said the profits from Iraq’s oil would pay the cost of the war?  Ask your Republican representative to explain that to you next time you meet. . . 

DEMS, wake up.  Slice and dice the health care bill down to its basics.  Take charge.  If you don’t, you deserve what comes next.  REPUBS, just saying NO can’t work forever.  I don’t care how long it takes, it will come back to haunt you.  Our country is in trouble.  Say what you will about Obama but he’s been working his ass off while you put your hands under your asses and sit on them.  Good luck with that. 

2 Responses to “State of the Union”

  1. Susan Campbell McCachren Says:

    It was good to see the president call out the Republicans, the Democrats and the Supreme Court. Leading them right now must be like herding cats..still, let’s see some results, somehow, someway. A jobs bill ASAP will be a good first step. Then, complete the passage of health care reform. Then education, immigration, financial reform, Don’t ask, don’t tell, clean energy..Glad to see that David Plouffe will have a more prominent role as advisor, esp. for the mid-terms. He’s brilliant. The president listens to him and he’s fully got the President’s back. 2010 will be much brighter IMHO.

  2. Susan Campbell McCachren Says:

    LOVING the Q and A with the republicans today…HA! We may have turned a corner to get the legislative work done…a little Q and A with the Dems would be good as well. Hope they televise that too.

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