Happy Birthday, Luke

The UPS lady rang my buzzer this afternoon.� I opened my front door.� She held up the envelope.

“My memory is here,” I yelped.

“It is,” she said.

It was the memory for my Mac Book Pro.� Which I tried to install myself - big mistake.� First, I can’t see.� The screws that open the�memory�cage on my Mac are no bigger than a period at the end of a sentence.� Fortunately, I have a magnet screwdriver and reading glasses so I went to work.� Installing memory is harder than it sounds.� Or maybe not.� Anyway, I took out the old memory first, no small feat.� Then I inserted the first half of the whole Gigga Byte memory on the bottom and then inserted the second half on top of the first Gigga Byte me.� Happy with myself, I used my handy magnetic screwdriver to fasten down the memory cage, put the battery back in and turned on my Mac.� Blink - Blink - Blink - that was all the power light did.� The computer would not come on.� So, what to do?� I pulled the new memory out.�

Then Luke arrived.� First thing he saw was all the discarded memory lying on the living room floor.� So naturally I explain about buying the�new memory and installing it even though I had a hunch I had no business opening up the back of a Mac.�

Luke grabbed a beer and sat down.

“What was wrong with the old memory?”

He had a point.�

“I just thought we needed more,” I said.

“We have enough,” he said.�

And then he used my magnetic screwdriver and slid the old memory back in.� And the Mac came on.�

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LUKE !� (Oh, how I love to laugh with you.)�

One Response to “Happy Birthday, Luke”

  1. Luke Says:

    Life is a laugh, if you can’t do that then you’re in big trouble. Thanks you.

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